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  • Writer's pictureEnchanted Conversation

Queen Grimhilde by Janessa Keeling

Mirror. Mirror. On the–

Arterial spray stained lips red,

Hair once red, now black as ebony,

Skin once fair and pale, now cold as death and snow white.

Who is in this land is Fairest of all?

Somehow, she was invited,

Seven Dwarves under her spell

You, my Queen, are fair. That is true. But, Snow White – is far more fair than thee.

Once, an innocent child –

A bloodthirsty monster under the skin.

Hunter. Slay the beast. Bring me the heart.

The Hunter shadowing the creature,

drew too close – drowned in enchanting eyes

Hunted instead, a boar. Took its heart and lungs.

Queen Grimhilde, prepared the ceremony...

The people would no longer fear the rising of night.

On an alter, heart and lungs

The knife plunged down.

Mirror. Mirror. On the Wall. Who in the land is Fairest of all?

You, my Queen, are fair. That is true.

But, Snow White – Beyond the frosted mountains

With the seven dwarves

She is far fairer than thee.

Deceived. The monster in Snow White’s skin still lived.

The Queen set her crown aside, and turns to her witchcraft

Apples, red and plump - soaked under the moon’s radiant glow

Then painted with the Queen’s own blood.

Disguising herself as an old beggar she ventured over the mountains

And found the cottage where Show White suffered

The dwarves are pale, and flakes of dried blood coat their necks,

Unfocused bloodshot eyes are fixed on some distant hazy point.

Grimhilde waits for the sun to reach its zenith

And approaching gives the monster wearing her daughter a smile

It invites her in.

The monster’s human eyes transform and fangs descend into the delicious apple

Sharp teeth break skin, a long tongue sucks up the moon blessed water

Life floods to Snow White’s face


She drops.

Grimhilde cradles her daughter’s body. And weeps.

Mirror. Mirror. On the Wall, who in this land is Fairest of all?

You, my Queen, are fairest of all.

With pain in her heart she tells the people.

Fear no more night.

The beast is dead and in a fortnight we feast and celebrate.

The night of the ball arrives.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

You, my Queen, are fair, it is true.

But Snow White – Waiting in shadows for you

Is fairest of them all.

Janessa Keeling is currently attending Arcadia University for a master’s in creative writing. When not writing Janessa likes to watch her chickens, and work on DIY projects


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