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Book Review: Ashes by M.K. Harkins

Kate Wolford

Updated: Aug 20, 2022

“Ashes” is a fun, exciting, lighthearted read that kept my interest from beginning to end. Had I read it at 12, I’d have adored it.

Our heroine, Ashley, is definitely not living the deluxe life as the stepdaughter of the truly horrid Veronica. She’s got two vapid stepsisters to boot—there are so many mean girls in this story! But Ashley is no wallflower. She’s got the spunk to take on the villains and push back.

Fortunately, not only does she have an interestingly weird job after school, Ashley also has a terrific bestie, and Harry, her pop star love interest, is genuinely lovable. The positive supporting characters are as well-drawn as the villains. You don’t often see that.

And of course, this is a fairy godmother situation.

I loved how both Ashley and Harry had points of view chapters. Both of them were relatable, even though this is a supernatural fairy-tale-inspired book. They worry about prom and getting in trouble with adults, and feel shy and experience big feelings. Harry may be famous, but he’s a real person.

I don’t want to tell too much, as this story could easily be ruined by spoilers. I’ll just say that even though the story is mostly light, the villain is genuinely treacherous, which definitely makes the book more fun!

The book is set up for a sequel, and I’ll happily read it. Because of Fairy Tale Magazine, I also have a lot to compare this book to, and it holds up well against the competition.

“Ashes” feels like a young teen’s book, but older teens and adults who want to escape into a charming, light read, will find it to be fun as well.

Thanks to NetGalley for providing a copy of the ebook to read.

Review by Kate Wolford

The Fairy Tale Magazine

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